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Monday, June 4, 2012

Eat Great Food and Loose Weight

By Jeff Dunn

A lot of people are convinced that healthy eating and enjoyable eating can't go together. Even more people have a hard time imagining enjoying what they're eating while they're losing weight. If you're in that boat, it's my goal to prove to you that you can do all of these things at the same time. It's my firm belief that by eating more healthy foods and fewer dangerous food additives, it will be possible to lose weight without sacrificing gourmet eating or going hungry. Say goodbye to tasteless low fat diet foods and hello to the foodlovers diet!

Diets that Won't Work for Foodies

There's a lot of talk about going on an extreme diet, and there are thousands of diets that say no vegetables, no meat, no carbs, no fruit, or no dairy-sometimes up to three of these at once, even if they're low calorie foods! All of these diets are asking us to cut out valuable nutritious foods. They may pose a threat to health, and they definitely pose a threat to great eating! And while it's certainly true that going on diets like these usually cause people to lose weight, you generally gain it right back if you partake of the forbidden food group again. So not only do you have to consider giving up the food group for the duration of the diet, you have to consider giving it up for good. Ask yourself if it's worth never touching another fresh pie for the rest of your life first, and consider the long-term health issues associated with losing the important vitamins and minerals that food group provides.

Outlines for a Healthy Eating Plan

It's easy to approach a diet from the standpoint of "I have to do this, so I will succeed." This is a great attitude to have and you should certainly stick to it, but the fact remains that most people who try dieting don't manage to lose weight and keep it off! In order to avoid becoming another statistic, take a different approach and ask yourself: "Can I comfortably live the way this diet asks me to?" Put yourself in the future you's shoes for a little bit; imagine yourself after one day, one week, one month of living like this diet asks you to. If it seems daunting when you do, then it's probably not the right plan! A good diet should be easy to follow-it should leave you feeling satisfied after every meal, both hunger-wise and taste-wise. Look for a diet that's healthy, easy to manage, and above all doable.

How to Lose Weight and Eat Well

You've heard it before, but I'll say it again: add more fresh produce, lean organic protein, and whole grains to your diet. Our modern diets are typically horribly deficient in the things we need most, like Omega-3, fiber, and naturally occurring vitamins, and we try to make up for it in all the wrong ways, drinking soda when our body was asking for an orange or eating a fast food burger when we needed the nutrients from grass-fed beef. Notice two things here-you get far more nutrition, and you get it with far fewer calories. It's the same amount of food, often even more, and it often tastes much better. Eat more good things and you'll crave less bad things. Do this, and you should be able to lose weight while giving in to whatever cravings you have.

Healthy eating doesn't have to be a grueling challenge. It should be a natural, pleasant process, and one that allows you to eat what you want when you want it. You can lose weight and feel better by making only a few simple changes to your diet.

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