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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Teeth Bleaching Reinvented

By Nia Lawrence

While many people wish to have bright, sparkling teeth, they know that they couldn't enjoy it unless they bring the matter to an expert. That is the reason why most people set aside part of their savings so they can undergo whitening treatments like Zoom Whitening. In this efficient procedure, dentists use a powerful bleaching agent to take care of discolored and greatly stained teeth. The Zoom treatment can effectively whiten the teeth regardless of the cause of the discoloration; it does not matter whether it is a person's lifestyle, the food he eats, beverages he drinks, or other inherent factors.

The truth is, people prefer bleaching to other forms of teeth whitening because it costs a lot less than other treatments. Before, bleaching meant using a potent agent on the teeth for a couple of times until the desired degree of whiteness is achieved. These days, though, when rendered through the Zoom treatment, bleaching called for the use of a teeth bleaching agent and light curing. However, these old and novel methods of bleaching never scrape of any of the enamel.

The truth is nobody has a white set of teeth. The original shade of the teeth is yellowish, and the level of tinge is distinct from one person to another. However, there are people with a deeper shade of yellow while others are blessed with very light tinges of yellow that almost look white. Smokers, on the other hand, tend to have unnaturally dark yellow teeth because of the nicotine on their cigarettes. Hence, they are the most likely candidates for teeth whitening.

Of course, this also means that if smokers plan to undergo Zoom Whitening, they would have to forego their vice or the treatment would be futile. Aside from smokers, people who fail to brush properly after every meal are also at risk of having badly discolored teeth. No matter which of these two groups you belong to, it would be a good idea to consult with your dentists before you take on any whitening treatments, especially Zoom.

The process starts when your dentist applies a bleaching agent that contains hydrogen peroxide on your teeth. Then, he would break down its particles using light curing. The dissolved active ingredients of the teeth bleaching agent will penetrate the surface of the teeth and whiten your teeth from within. These are the steps to the whitening treatment known as Zoom. Once you've undergone the treatment, you should expect your teeth to be about 8-10 shades lighter than before. It is no wonder, then, that this is the most sought-after treatment of many people, even celebrities.

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  1. Teeth bleaching is one thing that many people don't take into account as being a requirement. This article will explain to you the simplest way to get your teeth whitened.

    Tooth Whitening

  2. According to me teeth bleaching is very costly because if you go with the dentist. After checkup dentist applies a bleaching on your teeth which contain hydrogen peroxide. You can do it at your home too, with the use of mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda with water. It is also useful to get a sparkling white teeth.

    Tooth Dr
