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Friday, May 25, 2012

What The Les Mills PUMP DVD Program Fully Entails

By Derrick Reed

Les Mills PUMP workout regimen is based on resistance training using weights to increase muscle tone. If you are wanting to tone your abs, strengthen your arms and add muscle tone to your legs, these exercises are designed to get you in shape for an overall ripped beach body look. Make sure you prepare yourself with adequate stretching before a workout, and follow your doctor's guidelines to ensure you are cleared for exercise.

This exercise regimen is based on pushing yourself with the number of weight repetitions you can perform to tone and strengthen your muscles in your arms and legs. The volume of reps can go into the hundreds as you perform the various routines. The weights are considered light, at five to 10 pounds, and you can use them with a barbell or separately as simple weights for lifting as you would hand weights.

The workout plan includes DVDs to take you through the exercises as you learn new routines, along with the necessary weights, barbells, clips, a safety guide and a nutrition guide to help you make the most out of your new routine. Some people respond well to having such an organized workout plan to combine with their regular exercise to keep their workouts fresh and their muscles toned.

The routines also emphasize the importance of stretching for properly conditioning your muscles before a workout. As you stretch, you may become more toned for better response to individual exercises, reducing the risk of sudden injury. This strategy for stretching and conditioning may help your body respond to the exercises in a healthful manner.

If you want your abs to be in better shape, this fitness routine has exercises to focus on reaching your goal. You can work out using different positions with the weights and the high volume of reps to gain a more toned appearance in your abdomen. The "six-pack abs" regimen is part of the program's training as you work on improving overall muscle tone.

As you give your muscle this type of intense, repetitious workout, be aware that other types of exercise should come into play to give your body a chance to recover. Soreness is a part of getting in shape, but too much can prolong recovery, taking you out of your workout. Being sidelined with injury jeopardizes your routine, so make sure you go for a balanced workout.

Take time to learn more about Les Mills PUMP if you are considering getting active and in shape with this type of muscle building for a beach body. You may find that the lighter weights work well with your conditioning and strength training. A variety of new exercises can serve you to create a well-balanced regimen that can give you the toned and muscled look you desire.

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